Jetlag + Insomnia have me in a vice. I’m currently on a fundraising trip in the US and wanted to share the work behind the scenes. This is an article on fundraising as a social…
The #RedNotebookChat — Tweetchats are back and we held one last Friday. The tweetchats provide a platform for entrepreneurs and founders to share their knowledge and experience in; starting and running businesses or organisations and…
DISCLAIMER: This article is compiled, without any editing, directly from answers to the questions on Twitter. Errors are unintentional and are part of the fluid nature of rapid fire Twitter conversations. In a Red Notebook…
As Africa, we have the opportunity to learn from other continents and from the history and experience of others in order to forge our own destiny, to create the future we want to see. Fred…
In a #RedNoteBookHustle tweetchat we hosted, some of the most pronounced side hustles were in agriculture. It is said that Agriculture is the backbone of Uganda, but how important is agriculture in Uganda? According to…
The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed
1 Mins read
There are a number of factors to consider when one thinks of startup success. The journey of entrepreneurship is mostly a journey of discovery and a lot of things are learned along the way. However,…
(For those who prefer to watch instead of read, I created a video version of this. Watch it here.) Somewhere between 2004 and 2006, I obsessed night and day over a product I was building…
I want to share this video with you about lessons learned from project I started – and failed to finish – more than a decade ago. I created this video to share 9 critical lessons…