
Outgrow Your Implicit Bias

3 Mins read
I recently found myself in a place of self reflection about some of the biases I never knew I had. While chatting with a friend a few weeks back, I subconsciously asked a question that…

Side Hustle Tweet Chat

5 Mins read
We held a #RedNotebookHustle tweet chat on Friday 27th November, 2020 where we saw a lot of wisdom and insight shared by some of the people running startups and small businesses. The tweet chat that…

What If You Fly?

1 Mins read
You owe your dreams your courage – Koleka Putuma. This quote pretty much sums up my experience in starting. I think about all the things that could go wrong and then I fantasize about what…

Authentic Leadership

3 Mins read
It can be said that the world is the way it is because of leadership. Whether we’re looking at the challenges faced or the successes achieved in the world, it all goes back to leadership….