
Daily Read #131 — Cultivating a Growth Mindset: A Guide for New Entrepreneurs.

4 Mins read

Quick snippets from my morning read on Tuesday, 5th September 2023.

Today’s read is by Jean Fenwick who explores harnessing each emotion’s energy and transforming it into positive, effective actions.

The entrepreneurial journey is a dynamic path filled with triumphs and challenges, and for each and every new entrepreneur mindset plays a pivotal role in how you navigate these experiences to ensure sustained success.

Emotions are not just fleeting reactions; they are windows into your inner thoughts and beliefs.

By recognizing the significance of mindset and by understanding the feelings, thought processes, limiting beliefs, and actionable steps associated with each emotion, you can navigate your business journey with greater clarity and confidence.

In this post, we will explore how to harness each emotion’s energy and transform it into positive, effective actions.

Here are some common limiting emotions to be mindful of:


Thought Process: “I’ve stepped outside my comfort zone, and this new territory is terrifying.”

Limiting Belief: “When I try something new, it might not align with what my customers want or be good enough.”

Reframe: “I trust my intuition and expertise. Every choice I make, whether familiar or new, offers an opportunity for growth.”


  • Cultivate a growth mindset by viewing new ventures as opportunities to expand your skill set and knowledge.
  • Recognize that doubt is a natural response to change and use it as a catalyst for seeking mentorship and learning.
  • Channel the energy from doubt into celebrating the courage it takes to explore uncharted territories and focus on the potential for growth.
  • Use a mentor or coach to bounce your ideas off and share your feelings.
Desire for Validation:

Thought Process: “I need constant approval from others to feel confident in my choices.”

Limiting Belief: “The worth of my decisions is determined by how much others validate them.”

Reframe: “My self-worth is not tied to external validation. I trust my expertise and the value I provide.”


  • Cultivate a growth mindset by viewing feedback, whether positive or negative, as opportunities for learning and improvement.
  • Understand that your decisions hold intrinsic value, and external validation is a bonus, not a requirement.
  • Use the desire for validation to motivate consistent self-reflection and self-improvement, rather than seeking approval from others.

Thought Process: “I must always defend and justify my decisions.”

Limiting Belief: “Any feedback or pushback is a direct critique of my abilities or intentions.”

Reframe: “I welcome constructive feedback as a pathway to growth and improved service. Not every critique requires a defence.”


  • Foster a growth mindset by viewing feedback as a stepping stone toward honing your skills and offerings.
  • Recognize that defensiveness can hinder progress and use it as a trigger to practice active listening and open-mindedness.
  • Channel the energy from defensiveness into refining your products or services based on constructive input.

Thought Process: “I have always to be the very best – better than all the rest.”

Limiting Belief: “If I don’t continually provide maximum value, I’m failing my customers.”

Reframe: “I value my customers and consistently strive to offer them the best. It’s okay to set boundaries and prioritize the sustainability of my business.”


  • Embrace a growth mindset by acknowledging that perfection is an unattainable goal and that continuous improvement is more important.
  • Embrace a growth mindset by acknowledging that setting boundaries enhances your ability to serve effectively.
  • Recognize that your efforts are valuable, and continuous improvement is a mark of dedication, not failure.
  • Use guilt as a catalyst to explore innovative ways to provide value while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Thought Process: “Changing my model/pricing, even slightly, could lead to unforeseen consequences or backlash from my clients.”

Limiting Belief: “Change or deviation from what’s been done before could jeopardize my relationship with my clients.”

Reframe: “Change is a natural part of growth. I am adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges.”


  • Develop contingency plans to address potential consequences of changes.
  • Communicate the reasons behind changes to maintain transparency.
  • Seek mentorship during times of anxiety for guidance and reassurance.
  • Recall past challenges and successes to remind yourself of your resilience.

Thought Process: “I’ve worked hard to provide something in response to a demand, but it feels like it’s not being received in the spirit it was intended.”

Limiting Belief: “No matter how much I adapt to meet demands, it may never be enough or be met with unanimous approval.”

Reframe: “I recognize the effort I put into my work, and I know its value. I can’t please everyone, and that’s okay.”


  • Take breaks during moments of high frustration to regain clarity.
  • Focus on positive impacts your work has on your community.
  • Develop internal success metrics to measure your progress independently.
  • Nurture a supportive community culture to share experiences and insights.

Thought Process: “Every day I have to wear so many different hats – sales, logistics, marketing, finance etc.”

Limiting Belief: “Adding new elements to my business could complicate things to a degree that I might struggle to manage.”

Reframe: “I can handle challenges efficiently and know when to seek support. One step at a time.”


  • Prioritize tasks and break them down into manageable actions.
  • Delegate tasks when possible to lighten your workload.
  • Schedule regular breaks to prevent burnout and maintain focus.
  • Implement streamlining tools to optimize your workflow.
  • Use external experts to get work done more quickly.

Mindset is the foundation upon which your entrepreneurial journey is built. By embracing a growth-oriented perspective, you can harness the power of your emotions to propel you forward, transforming challenges into opportunities and setbacks into a concrete action plan. A growth mindset empowers you to not only navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship with resilience but also to thrive in the face of uncertainty.

Remember, your mindset shapes your reality – and when combined with the right actions, it becomes a formidable force that will lead you towards entrepreneurial success.

This article was originally published here.

And as always, if you enjoyed this, check out the rest of our daily snippets, curated daily, right here on The Red Notebook.

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