Quick snippets from our morning read on Wednesday 11th November 2020 about growth and risk-taking. We’ll share more from the risk-taking articles at a future date.
Today’s morning read was from “What You Need to Know About the 6 Laws of Growth” by Paul Ellsworth on Medium.
For adults, our personal growth has to be more intentional. Time is not on our side anymore. It is actually against us, stealing our potential if we don’t use it wisely.
To grow on purpose, we must understand how growth works.
Through my own research and life experience, I have observed six laws of intentional growth.
The Six Laws of Intentional Growth
1. The Law of Risks
The Law of Risks states that in order to grow, one must try something new.
Risk involves the possibility of failure. Risk involves pain. But risk can also lead you to extremely great rewards.
Please note that not all risk is equal. Taking a risk for the sake of risk alone is called “stupidity.” However, taking calculated risks is part of wisdom.
2. The Law of Discomfort.
The Law of Discomfort states that one experiences true growth in discomfort.
You have heard the term “comfort zone.” In the comfort zone, you miss out on real conversations because you are terrified of the outcome. Inside the comfort zone, you are scared to show others your dream for fear of rejection. Inside the comfort zone, you never gain new skills because the ones you have deceptively appear to be enough.
5. The Law of Focus.
The Law of Focus states that growth is exponentially stronger when combined with determined focus.
Often times, you cannot move forward and grow because you are holding on to too many things at once.
You need to be continually pruning your life. Otherwise, you will never grow in any area because your energy is spread too thin. Prune your life by saying “no” and focus on your priorities so that you can grow at an accelerated rate.
Check out the full article on Medium “What You Need to Know About the 6 Laws of Growth“.
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